by edigitex | May 9, 2022 | News
Last week, on May 2nd, DigiTEX partners met for the first time physically in the city of Terrassa. The event was about the 3rd Project Transnational Meeting. The meeting began with the welcome from the hosting partner, AEI Tèxtils, and a brief management introduction...
by edigitex | Feb 23, 2022 | News
This February 22nd, a virtual meeting was held by the partners of the DIGITEX project to make a follow-up session and discuss the incoming outputs. The first part of the meeting started with INCDTP, the project coordinator, briefing the management, implementation,...
by edigitex | Dec 22, 2021 | News
DigiTEX has just released its 2nd newsletter that features the project progress and current status, the latest news and the ongoing activities. In this issue, the main highlights are the progress of the project such as the 2nd Transnational Project Meeting, the...
by edigitex | Sep 21, 2021 | News
Last September 17th, DigiTEX partners met, virtually, for a project follow-up session. The meeting started with INCDTP, the project coordinator, pointing general management, dissemination and implementation aspects of the project as well as COVID-19 situation...
by edigitex | Aug 5, 2021 | News
DigiTEX has just released its 1st newsletter that features the project progress and current status, the latest news and the ongoing activities. In this issue, the main highlights are the progress of the project such as the kick-off meeting and the launch of the...
by David | May 17, 2021 | News
The kick-off meeting of DIGITEX project was held virtually last May 12th. The project main objective is to support innovative approaches and digital learning technologies to accelerate innovation, teaching and learning in the field of medical, protective, sensorial...
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