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An e-learning platform to host the project intellectual outputs and as a course management system (CMS) for interactive learning tools that will be developed for creating interactive learning activities.
A Book of ‘Medical, sensorial and protective textiles development in the context of the European economy and digitalization’.



A database development – knowledge about medical, protective, sensorial and smart textiles.
Book of best practices ‘Smart sensors based textiles from production management to end-user’
A virtual tools for training – innovation boosting based on creative knowledge mapping. 
A toolkit for accelerating innovation in medical, protective, sensorial and smart textiles based on creative methods.



DigiTEX 1st Newsletter
EnglishLithuanian, Greek, Romanian, Italian and Spanish

DigiTEX 2nd Newsletter
English, LithuanianGreek, Romanian, Italian and Spanish

DigiTEX 3rd Newsletter

English, Lithuanian, Greek, Romanian, Italian and Spanish