This February 22nd, a virtual meeting was held by the partners of the DIGITEX project to make a follow-up session and discuss the incoming outputs.
The first part of the meeting started with INCDTP, the project coordinator, briefing the management, implementation, and financial aspects of the project.
After that, the exposition of the quality management strategy and update, presented by Cre.Thi.Dev. Then, AEI Tèxtils, in charge of the communication and dissemination of the project, updated the partners about the progress got during the last months and briefed the future actions that will take place in this frame: the active use of digital tools to effectively ensure a good communication and dissemination of the project.
During the second part of the meeting, all partners responsible of Intellectual Outputs exposed the progress achieved up until the moment and summarized the distribution of the tasks that each partner will carry on in the incoming months.
Particularly, the IO2 an electronic book on “Medical, sensorial and protective textiles development in the context of the European economy and digitalization”, that will be used for students during the training offered by DIGITEX, will be finished before summer.
The IO3, a database about medical, protective, sensorial, and smart textiles, will also be a reference for students and academics and its competition was agreed by June. This database will compile several materials, their qualities and their potential applications on smart textiles.
The IO4 (Book of best practices ‘Smart sensors-based textiles from production management to end-user’), IO5 (A virtual tools for training – innovation boosting based on creative knowledge mapping) and IO6 (A toolkit for accelerating innovation in smart textiles based on creative methods) were also discussed as well as the tasks to be done by partners after the summer.
Finally, it was also set the Summer Course that will take place next September. This event will gather students from the participant universities and all the materials and resources created by the partnership until the moment will be implemented.
The next project meeting will take place in Terrassa (Barcelona), in order to follow-up the IOs pending of completion by summer. It will be hold in May.
DIGITEX is co-financed by the ERASMUS+ program of the European Commission under the call Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness, with the Grant Agreement number 2020-1-RO01-KA226-HE-095335. The project started on March 1st, has a duration of 24 months and a total budget of 257.380 €.
The project aims to support innovative approaches and digital learning technologies to accelerate innovation, teaching and learning in the field of medical, protective, sensorial and smart 3D textiles design, testing and manufacturing of the innovative advanced products for healthcare in the context of the digital economy.
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